Debate Team Summer Camp
The SNU Debate Camp will be from June 17th - June 28th from 8:30 - 5:00 PM. It is a great way to get a head start in debate and perform better at the early year tournaments. The full cost is $800.
We have three labs to choose from:
Novice - This session is for Middle School and novice debaters. We will learn the basics of competitive debate, do fun exercises to sharpen your analytical skills, and engage in many debates with feedback afterwards.
Varsity - This session is for JV/Varsity debaters. We will learn more about advanced debate techniques such as kritiks, theory, framework, and how to execute and defend against common tricks. We also will learn evidence research techniques.
College - The experimental lab last year went so well that we will have a new lab this year that is for new or JV debaters. We will cover the basics of debate and how to research evidence.
You also have the option of choosing one week ($400) or both weeks ($800).
Please signup sooner rather than later - we have a cap (8 for each lab) on the number of students who can attend since we have to keep the student to instructor ratio at a certain level.
SNU Debate Camp Waiver
In addition to completing this registration form, each student must have the waiver form completed as well.
Please right-click on the waiver link above and choose "Save link as..." Next, please complete and sign the form and then do one of the following:
1. Email the completed form to
2. Bring the form with you to camp.

Credit Card Information

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NOTE: A processing fee equal to 2.25% of the payment amount will automatically be added to the amount charged.

Please click the Submit button ONLY ONCE or you may be charged multiple times.

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